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Riding for a Brighter Future: Ugandan orphans take on the UCI Cycling World Championships

Cycling Blog

Riding for a Brighter Future: Ugandan orphans take on the UCI Cycling World Championships

August 3rd, 2023

In the world of cycling, the UCI Cycling World Championships is an event that attracts the best riders from across the globe, all vying for success on the grand...

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Mr Motivator

Stop Faffing, Get Riding!

A pre-ride checklist

September 12th, 2016

Almost every morning of every Ride25 cycling holiday there’s a group who take twice as long as everyone else to get on the road. Often one rider will be...

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Damson Audio logo

Competition! Damson Audio HeadBones – the bluetooth bone conduction headphones

September 9th, 2016

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ENTRIES, THIS COMPETITION IS NOW CLOSED! We’re happy to announce a competition in partnership with Damson Audio, a Yorkshire-based tech company offering a range of...

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Cycling in Italy: Geneva to Milan Highlights

August 29th, 2016

The August bank holiday weekend is one of the last bastions of British summer (aka the brief fortnight of consecutive warm and sunny days we get once a year),...

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Progress Versus Tradition: Concept Bikes and Bike Design

August 25th, 2016

Take a look at some of the bikes below; you’ll probably agree they’re pretty unusual. Source, with information about each one – We sometimes see alien bikes like these...

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Celebrity without a helmet

Helmets. Do you wear one?

Part 2: the dust settles

August 11th, 2016

We knew helmets were a controversial subject in cycling, but we didn’t expect so many people to feel quite so strongly about it! Across the Ride25 blog and social...

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Helmets. Do you wear one?

Part 1: Cases For and Against

July 29th, 2016

At Ride25 we advocate wearing a helmet while riding, but this is one of the hottest debates in the cycling world and there are compelling arguments on both sides....

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Cycling shorts: what your money gets you

July 18th, 2016

With most cycling purchases it can be hard to distinguish whether you’re paying for genuine quality (like when you buy a Ride25 holiday 😉 ), or whether you’re paying...

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Flag of Italy

The Ride25 Italian Cycling Phrasebook

July 11th, 2016

Ciao! Italian is the next in our cycling phrasebook series, which started last month with the French phrasebook. Now you’ll be able to order yourself a beer, tell a...

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French flag

The Ride25 French cycling phrasebook

June 30th, 2016

In the run up to the Tour de France – and in appreciation of French cycling in general – we’ve created a comprehensive phrasebook of French cycling terms. This will come in handy...

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