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The Fortnight in Cycling Vol 9: Arnie and Easyjet

Cycling Blog

Taipei 101

The Fortnight in Cycling Vol 9: Arnie and Easyjet

March 27th, 2015

Arnold Schwarzenegger took to the streets of Melbourne by bicycle last week, sparking a Twitter storm: His helmet-free ride has sparked minor controversy as it’s illegal to ride without...

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THE FORTNIGHT IN CYCLING VOL 8: Awareness and converted railways

March 13th, 2015

There’s some great stuff in this cycling news round-up. Inspiring and uplifting, just how we like it. Firstly, reported on the excellent efforts of Texan Gene Novogrodsky, who...

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The Fortnight in Cycling Vol 7: Stickers and Records

February 27th, 2015

Activism begins this week’s edition: another case of people taking action against the sad but seemingly inevitable rift between some drivers and some cyclists. This time it’s relatively mellow...

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The fortnight in cycling vol 6: Boris and Lance

February 4th, 2015

Great news being reported in BikeBiz last week: Boris Johnson, the divisive mayor of London, has received the green light on his plans for flagship protected cycle highways running...

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The fortnight in cycling vol 5: Game shows and gyroscopes

January 24th, 2015

An Australian game show has caused uproar among cyclists by asking contestants to name “something annoying that a cyclist might do”. The show, Family Feud (similar to Family Fortunes)...

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The fortnight in cycling vol 4: adventures and Bono

January 6th, 2015

Welcome to 2015! We hope it’s treating you well so far, and that you’re hatching a healthy amount of cycling plans for the year. The first section of this...

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The fortnight in cycling vol 3: crackdowns, Kickstarters, equality

December 30th, 2014

Welcome to volume 3! We hope you had a great Christmas and that Santa bought you all the snazzy new cycling gear you asked for (and that you can...

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THE FORTNIGHT IN CYCLING VOL 2: Helmets, backpacks, and round the world trips

December 9th, 2014

Some interesting goings on in the cycling world since the previous volume! Hövding This funky piece of kit made the rounds earlier in the year, but it seems like...

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Ghost Peloton

The Fortnight in Cycling vol 1:
lights, camera, selfie

November 24th, 2014

Welcome to a new segment on the Ride25 blog – “The Fortnight in Cycling”: a round-up of interesting and exciting developments in and around cycling. If you’ve got anything...

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