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Now you can study cycling at university! Weekly round-up #16

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Now you can study cycling at university! Weekly round-up #16

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August 2nd, 2015

In this week’s round-up we take a look at new bike routes in Europe, new bike tech aimed at getting kids cycling earlier, and some cool cycling stories from around the globe. 


We’ll start with Leg&Go – a slick new bike being described as ‘Everything a first bike should be!‘. Check out the video:

This product, currently raising funds on Kickstarter, is an 8-in-1 bike with modular parts, allowing it to function differently depending on the rider’s age and ability. The variations are:

  • Rocking elephant
  • Baby bike
  • Balance bike
  • Downhill bike (with a foot platform for stability)
  • Comfort bike (with more suspension)
  • Pedal bike
  • Tricycle
  • Polar bike (with skis instead of wheels – this is a stretch goal and will only be unlocked if they receive $100k of funding)

All the options

Each of the bike designs

It seems like a great idea, and is being received well on Kickstarter. We’ll be keeping a careful eye on the project!

Fancy a degree in cycling?

Another attempt to educate a new generation about the joys of cycling, this time through a newly launched university course in Amsterdam, titled Planning the Cycling City.

The course is designed with masters, PhD and grad students in mind, and has attracted students from 16 countries, ranging in age from 22 to 75. A disclaimer on the university site suggests the course is in high demand!

Planning the cycling city

It sounds fascinating: “[the course] will explore urban cycling from a Dutch perspective, both historical and current, and provide students with a host of skills on how to develop and foster cycling cities and insights on what this means.
Students will examine the impacts of history, policy, infrastructure, planning, and culture within the context of urban cycling in the Netherlands.”

Sign us up!

Tube strike giving you hassle? Cycle instead!

Perhaps the course should include mention of a recent scheme being operated by Evans Cycles, which offered frustrated commuters free bike maintenance during the tube strike, with the aim of encouraging them to ditch public transport and get on their bikes.

Free bike maintenance Evans

This type of action, which includes maintenance classes and check-ups, is exactly the kind of thing people need to tempt them toward the saddle. It also makes a nice positive change to the usual frustration and vitriol that surrounds strike actions.

Let’s hope their #BikeTheStrike hashtag catches on!

Ride from Spain to Cyprus!

The last item in today’s round-up is the launch of EuroVelo 8 – a new cycle path that crosses 11 countries from Spain to Cyprus. This is part of the EuroVelo network which we’ve discussed before, and looks like it will provide a fantastic European cycle touring opportunity:

EuroVelo 8 route

We know from experience that cycling in France and Italy is superb, but we’d love to see the other countries too!

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