The good, the bad and the ugly of cycling holiday destinations There’s a saying that inspires me, it hangs in my lounge and reads ‘If you don’t climb the mountain, you can’t...
We’re very excited that our summer bike tours are a now only a number of weeks away. We have cycling holidays in Italy, Switzerland, UK, Vatican City (the worlds smallest...
In many cases, attracting frequent criticism and even violence whilst cycling might be cause to put you off ever getting on a bike again but not for the Afghan women’s National...
Arnold Schwarzenegger took to the streets of Melbourne by bicycle last week, sparking a Twitter storm: His helmet-free ride has sparked minor controversy as it’s illegal to ride without...
Strava have launched a cool new feature on their site, called ‘Strava Labs‘. The page is a hub of projects that people have made using the ever-growing dataset Strava...
Since they began in 1997, 60,000 bikes generously donated by people in the UK, have now been sent by Re~Cycle to Africa where they have changed and continue to...
The Middle East is growing in popularity for pro-cycling tours for many reasons. This year a new stage race in Abu Dhabi will be held in October for...
This instalment of our Ride25 training guide will focus on creating a sensible training schedule to help achieve your goals. If you need a hand setting goals check out...
Lorna North Ride25 is an avid supporter of 1moreChild – a small charity in Uganda that helps takes children off the street and gives them everything they need to enable...