Home » By ‘Eck – Yorkshire doesn’t disappoint. Rider review of the Ride25 Tour de Yorkshire
Martin Spiller joined us for the 1 day Ride25 Tour de Yorkshire at the weekend. Here is his review of the day…
I think it is fair to say I am to cycling what I am to catwalk modelling. So much so that when I undertook Ride25’s London to Paris Marketing Cycle last year, most people thought that my Fat Lad at the Back cycling clobber had been custom designed just for me.
However, over the weekend I ambitiously joined up with a bunch of serious cyclists, including the elite Ride 25 Pioneer core, to do a 100 mile tour of Yorkshire and I have to say being back in the county of my youth was simply fantastic.
So what did I learn on my second serious outing as Lycra clad warrior of the road:
I’m still not sure that I am, or will ever be, a fully converted MAMIL as endurance events really do hurt when you’re a more rotund gentleman and Lycra is not very forgiving. What I do know is that the riders on Le Tour De Yorkshire next weekend are in for a real treat; as no matter what the weather with some fantastic roads, beautiful scenery and amazing views well… By ‘Eck Yorkshire doesn’t disappoint!
Martin Spiller is on Twitter @MartinRSpiller
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