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The Fortnight in Cycling Vol 7: Stickers and Records

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The Fortnight in Cycling Vol 7: Stickers and Records

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February 27th, 2015

Activism begins this week’s edition: another case of people taking action against the sad but seemingly inevitable rift between some drivers and some cyclists.

This time it’s relatively mellow activism, however. Just a simple sticker that says ‘I parked in a bike lane’ for (you guessed it) cars who’ve parked in bike lanes. This is taking place in Toronto but is a response to a problem that exists everywhere that cycling infrastructure isn’t separate and dedicated. A comment on the Guardian article questions the usefulness, suggesting that “anything that reinforces the ‘them and us’ attitude is counter-productive”. What do you think?

I parked in a bike lane stickers

The stickers, linked to source


The article also mentions the success of Bogotá’s fifteenth annual car-free day – an event which sees pedestrians and cyclists given free roam of the city, as well as the opportunity to be safer and breathe cleaner air for the day. This day is just one of Bogotá’s many achievements: it is a city that is widely considered to be well on its way to being a model for sustainable urban mobility.

We think it’s an interesting initiative – it’s enough to bring the importance of walking and cycling to the public consciousness, but not irritating enough to put people off. Events like Critical Mass aim for the same outcome, but sometimes they cause friction and division between cyclists and other road users. Finding the sweet-spot in this relationship is an ongoing struggle on both sides!

Critical mass Chicago

When cyclists take over!


There are some lighter items in the news recently, too. First on the list is the creation of an underground BMX park in a disused limestone mine. The footage of people using the course is as intense and impressive as you’d expect:

The next adventure is perhaps the boldest cycling undertaking we’ve ever seen. The Guardian sent a reporter to chat to Steve Abraham, the man who is trying to break the record of most miles cycled in a year. In the 75 years since the record was set people have been ineffective in topping the phenomenal distance of 75,065 miles. That’s an average of 205 miles per day.

Tommy Godwins, who set the original record had to learn to walk again after completing his journey.

He has a small but extremely dedicated team of followers who prepare meals and help him with maintenance, presumably while gaping in awe. Steve is said to be incredibly modest, though, and barely acknowledge the humongous feat he’s undertaking.

You can follow his journey here – we’ll be reading with interest.

Tommy GodwinSteve Abraham
Tommy on the left, steve on the Right

Trevor Ward wrote the final piece to be covered today, also from The Guardian (scoring them a cycling news hat-trick!). He cycled to the Sahara in 1980 when cycle touring was a novel and unusual thing to do. With 34 years between then and now, Trevor recounts his experiences and posits various theories for the ever-increasing appeal of and engagement with cycle touring.

This hits remarkably close to home, obviously. Cycle touring is the modus operandi at Ride25, and is something we’re keen to promote and participate in as much as possible.

The article mentions the Cycle Touring Festival, the Cycle Touring Database,  and one each of the now plentiful films and books recounting various peoples’ adventures and experiences.

Long may it continue, we say!

One Response to “The Fortnight in Cycling Vol 7: Stickers and Records”

  1. Tim Moss Says:

    Thanks for plugging our cycling database and the Cycle Touring Festival. Much appreciated.

    Love the stickers!


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