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Founders – Leg 4 Milan to Rome

Founders – Leg 4 Milan to Rome

What is Ride25?

Ride25 is a mission to cycle from the UK to Australia over 25 legs spanning 25 years. The adventure began in 2012 with a group called “The Pioneers”.  The Pioneers completed Leg 11 (of 25) from the UK to Sydney in June 2024. The group have now cycled 4,400 miles from the UK to Baku in Azerbaijan.  Pioneers help to define the journey and adventure to Sydney. Leg 14 from Jaisalmer to Agra in India is scheduled for November 2025.

Who are The Founders?

The Founders is a new group that are following in the steps of the Pioneers.  They completed Leg 1 from London to Paris in September 2022; Leg 2 from Paris to Geneva in September 2023, Leg 3 from Geneva to Milan in September 2024.  Leg 4 in October 2025 is Milan to Rome. You can watch the short film about Leg 3 here:


Places are limited so after launch only those that have signed up previously or sponsors will have their registration confirmed until 15th October 2024.

Afterwards first come first served.

The ride is open to Founders of fast growth businesses and is supported by the following organisations:







To get a flavour of the previous legs visit the Photos and Videos.  Or watch this short animation explaining the idea:



Snapshot of Leg 4

  • Inspiring conversations with like minded Founders.
  • Beautiful countryside, rolling Tuscan hills, vineyards, sunflowers, hilltop villages, cathedrals & historic buildings galore
  • Travel through the Italian Countryside through the flat Emilia-Romagna Region.
  • Enjoy stunning countryside through Tuscany and Umbria including crossing the Apennine Mountains.
  • Nights in a range of beautiful historic cities – Piacenza, Bologna, Figline Valdarno and the stunning hilltop 13th century city of Orvieto.
  • Stunning 10 mile mostly traffic free ride from the outskirts of Rome to the finish along the Tiber River.
  • Iconic finish at the Vatican  – last time we did this the Pope greeted us as we arrived – no promises this year!
  • Celebration Dinner in Piazza Navona.

To see what you have in store you can look at the photos and video from the Pioneers Leg 4 in June 2015.



13.00 Thursday 2nd October 2025. Arco della Pace, Parco Sempione, Milan.


18.00 Monday 6th October 2025. The Vatican.

Days Cycling:



451 miles

Total climbing:

26,454 ft climbing

Max capacity:

100 people

Here are a few quotes from existing Pioneers / Founders about their experience of Ride25:

“After two legs Ride25 has become one of the highlights of my year. I was inspired by the vision John and Rob painted of a group of like-minded business founders riding across the world to raise money for a fantastic cause. The reality has far exceeded my expectations: faultless organisation, and superb riding through stunning scenery in the company of inspiring and supportive entrepreneurs. I’ve made some great friends and learned a lot about myself. And I‘ve laughed, a lot! It’s a genuinely enriching, life-enhancing experience. Ed Simpson​​​​, Founder / EOS Visionary The Legal Director

“I can honestly say that the experience of pedalling with fellow Ride25 Pioneers for over 4,000 miles over 10 years has been one of the most enriching experiences of my life. I’ve discovered new friendships, interests, fitness levels, countries, cultures, foods, wines and beers whilst also helped transform the life opportunities of those children supported by 1MoreChild. Each year’s leg is a protected date in my diary and highlight of my year. The final destination may be Sydney but it’s on the journey, and in the community, where I’ve found that life affirming magic.“ Paul Lindley, Founder Ellas’s Kitchen.

“I’ve been part of the Pioneers for quite a few years, every ride is a wonderful experience – a beautifully organised voyage into the unknown made even better by doing it with a wonderful group of people. We’ve still got a massive distance to do, but still the thought of cycling into Sydney together is highly motivating. On top of this, it is great to see the good which 1moreChild is doing with the funds raised through this amazing adventure.” Erik Fairbairn, Founder Pod Point.

“Making friends, finding new business partners, keeping fit, and exploring the quiet roads of Europe and beyond by bike, all whilst raising funds that I know are making such a difference in Uganda. So many great memories, and so many more to come. I can’t recommend Ride25 enough.” Bonamy Grimes, Founder Skyscanner.

“Pioneers has been an amazing and truly memorable life adventure so far – exploring the world by bike, getting fit, and making great friends and business contacts along the way too. Beats the beach or a golf trip in my book – and in aid of a great charity. The ultimate distraction from the stresses of running a startup – I can’t recommend it enough.” Doug Monro, Founder Adzuna.

“Ride25 is something I look forward to and train for every year. It is an amazing way to see the world, enjoy quality time with friends and raise alot of money for a great cause – sign-up you won’t regret it – good for your body and soul.” Zach Douglas, Founder Orega.

“The pride I feel from participating and therefore contributing to 1morechild is priceless. The pay back is every year I continue to pedal, work on my fitness and then have a gathering of friends with whom we shed sweat, tears and bags loads of laughter making this a top life experience I would never trade.” Lara Morgan , Founder Pacific Direct & Scentered



Day 1 – Milan to Piacenza – 61 miles, 1,230ft total ascent

Leave from Parc Sempione and brush around the outskirts of central Milan before picking up the canal southbound taking us 23 miles out of Milan to Pavia. We then cycle along the flat Po plain including crossing the vast River Po before reaching the historic city of Piacenza. Dinner at the beautiful Piazza Cavalli in the heart of the city.

Draft route including elevation profile


Day 2 – Piacenza to Bologna – 108 miles, 2,115 ft total ascent

After leaving Piacenza we cycle through the flat plains of Emilia-Romagna in the Po basin. The area is renowned for its agriculture, cheeses, hams…. and Ferrari manufacture. We cover a long distance but there are no significant hills with practically no climbing all day. The highlight of the day is arriving in the stunning city of Bologna for the evening after enjoying the last flat countryside of the trip. Dinner is in a historic building in the heart of the winding lanes in Bologna.

Draft route including elevation profile

Day 3 – Bologna to Figline Valdarno – 90.9 miles, 9,448 ft total ascent

Soon after leaving Bologna we start to get a taste for the day ahead – crossing the border into the rolling hills of Tuscany! We complete the two largest climbs of the Leg in the morning with lunch at a hilltop restaurant at the top of the 2nd climb at the Passadel Giogo. The afternoon involves more of the same but with 2 far less significant climbs. The highest point of the day is 3,169 ft versus 8,130 ft at the ‘Nurofen’ (Nufenen) Pass in Leg 3 and 5,640 ft in Leg 2 over the Jura Mountains. In the evening we stay in Figline Valdarno with a dinner on a terrace overlooking this small historic town.

Draft route including elevation profile

Day 4 –Figline Valdarno to Orvieto – 93 miles, 6,936 ft total ascent

More rolling Tuscan hills as we continue through Tuscany and move into Umbria. One climb in the morning with two in the afternoon but nothing too serious with a peak altitude all day of 1,752 ft. Stay the night in the outstandingly stunning and dramatic city of Orvieto. Arrive early to enjoy roaming the medieval streets and take in the views. Dinner next to the stunning Duomo in a family owned restaurant renowned for its truffles.

Draft route including elevation profile


Day 5 – Orvieto to Rome – 96 miles, 7,675 ft total ascent

Two climbs in the morning in the Umbrian countryside including the Lake Vico Nature reserve before having lunch and the opportunity for a cooling swim in Lake Vigo. After lunch we cycle through the national park and around Lake Bracciano before crossing the plains to Labaro and picking up a great cycle path that takes us almost entirely traffic free the last 10 miles into the centre of Rome and 400 metres from the finish at The Vatican.

Draft route including elevation profile

Book Cycling Holiday Now

What is it like?

The challenge for the Ride25 adventure is to find interesting, quiet cycling on good tarmac with great scenery and good quality hotels. There is always an element of compromise, however the route is almost all very enjoyable with only small compromises required across the trip.

Traffic – the route is generally quiet and well surfaced roads. There are some busier sections but the vast majority is quiet.

Scenery – The vast majority is stunning with a mix of countryside, hills and historic towns and villages,

Road Surfaces – all tarmac with very short sections of compacted gravel.  We recommend that you use road or gravel bikes. We have had legs completed on hybrids and even Bromptons! No time trial bikes allowed.

Pit-Stops / Food – We will have an organised lunch stop plus stops mid-morning and mid-afternoon.  We have endeavoured to find the best places on the route to stop for coffee, cake and ice creams as well as a good lunch.  The mechanics will also set-up a service stop here for any tweaks you need.

Your Safety  – this is not a ride where you are forced to ride with a group as we want riders to cycle with lots of different people every day. We do however we recommend that you always cycle in groups and not alone.  Please also ensure that you wear a helmet.

Baggage – your overnight bags and bike boxes will be transported every day so no need to carry much but due to the size of the group it’s not feasible to have access to a day bag during the day which means you need to carry anything you need for the day – except extra food and water that will be supplied at every stop.

Can I invite others?

The power of the ride is all about the quality of the group so we’d love you to bring a like minded founder. Please think about who in your network would make a great addition! Also think about possible sponsors that would benefit from being part of the Ride25 family.

How will I navigate?

The route is not signposted and so you will need to download the route for each day from the links above and use either one of the following navigation systems:

Best Solution – GPS enabled Bike Computor

A Garmin or similar bike computor with GPS / Navigation that syncs with Strava or enables you to upload GPX files. We recommend a Garmin Edge 530. It is a mid price point, easy to sync with Strava wirelessly and has a long battery life to avoid running out of juice before the end of the day. If you like tech the Garmin Varia RTL515 Radar light is a great accessory to the Garmin Edge.  It promotes an extra level of safety to the rider via its advanced warning system for any traffic behind you.

Garmin can take some getting used to so if using Garmin to prevent navigation problems please:

Follow a the route as a “Course”
Ensure that “Autocorrect” is turned off in your settings for each course
Do not “navigate to start” when prompted at the start of a ride

Acceptable Solution – An App on your phone

You can use a phone to navigate and either use the Strava or RidewithGPS Apps – either free or inexpensive.  If you are using your phone to navigate we recommend using RidewithGPS because:

  1. All routes can be downloaded from at home and are available without roaming after you have uploaded them to your RidewithGPS account
  2. Detailed maps available if you get lost even with no signal
  3. High quality navigation setting including turn by turn prompts that enables you to navigate with ease
  4. Zoomable elevation data visible

If you are using your phone please ensure that you have somewhere to mount your device on the bike and that you carry a portable battery charger to get through the day.

Ride25 will provide a cloth map that will get you out of trouble if you are lost with no working devices but to navigate effectively you’ll need to use one of the above.

You can download the route files here:  Day 1.  Day 2. Day 3. Day 4. Day 5.

Do I need to train?

YES.  451 miles cycling is a significant challenge for anyone but it is achievable. It is longer than Leg 3 but we don’t have a serious mountain to contend with. The third and fourth dates in particular are hilly and quite long.


You can always call the support team if you need picked up at any point. We will have a total of 5 vehicles with first aid so you will never be that far away from help. In addition we will operate a sweeper system that means the crew will pick you up if you are too far behind the rest of the riders / are not going to make it to the finish before the sun sets.

We will have bike mechanics on the trip to keep you rolling – however they are not there to change tubes when you get a puncture. You should be able to do this on your own!   Please make sure you have had your bike serviced recently, most issues are normally caused by poor bike maintenance.

The trip is in no way a race – everyone can go at their own speed. Those that stop and take in their surroundings probably get more out of it than those that get to the finish first. Breakfast will be at 07.00 each day so that you can leave early.

Everyone will be in a WhatsApp Group for the ride with all communication done through WhatsApp while on the trip, before and afterwards.


Flights / Bike boxes

You will need to arrange your own travel both to Milan and back from Rome with your bike. Traveling with a bike by plane is quite straightforward as long as you pack your bike in a bike box. When booking your flight you can add Sports Equipment to your booking (usually for circa £40) and check-in as normal.  You will normally be sent to the “Outsized Bag” area to deposit your bike but this is always close to the checkin desks.

Bike boxes can be bought, borrowed or rented.

You don’t need to arrive in Milan the night before but going to the start from the airport has its risks. We recommend leaving Rome  on or after Tuesday 7th October.


Where do I stay in Milan?

The package does not include accommodation in Milan on the 1st October. You can fly straight in on the day of the start or arrive the night before.

Easier to book a hotel near the start HERE.

We will arrange a restaurant nearish the start to meet up the night before for an optional meal.  This will be communicated to you before the event.

The Start

We will start form Parc Sempione, in front of the Arco Della Pace you can see it on a map HERE. The Parc is adjacent to Milan Cardona Train Station that has trains going to Malpensa Airport.

What is the cost?

£2,400 per person for a twin room or £3,000 for a single room (limited availability). As in all Pioneer trips this is a not for profit – ie the cost is a sum of the direct costs of running the trip only – the excess in the ticket price above direct costs  is donated to 1moreChild. We aim to raise a minimum of £1,000 per person for 1moreChild. The actual mount will depend on the number of cyclists – there are certain fixed costs for the trip so the more cyclists the higher amount raised per cyclist.

We are aiming to raise a minimum of £100,000 on this leg.

£300 deposit due on booking, balancing payment (£2,100 or £2,700) due in early May 2025.

With more aggressive terms on many of the hotels it is very useful to have people sign-up earlier so that we can manage the hotel inventory efficiently.

Any payments donated to 1moreChild in the event that you cancel for any reason.

The package includes:

  • 5 x nights accommodation in Piacenza, Bologna, Figline Valdarno, Orvieto and Rome.  Rooms will have twin beds and we will allocate you a room partner unless you specify who you would like to share with.  You may select a single supplement in the booking process if you prefer not to share.
  • 5 x breakfast
  • 5 x lunch
  • 5 x dinner
  • 8 x tea / coffee / cakes / ice cream stops
  • 4 x manned support vehicles including 2 x bike mechanics & first aiders
  • Water, fruit and emergency supplies in the vehicles
  • Transportation of bags each day to the finish
  • Transportation of bike boxes from Milan to Rome
  • 5 x personalised cycling shirts including the badges achieved – ensure you enter the correct shirt size when you register – don’t be too optimistic about your weight loss plans from now to October!
  • GPS files of the routes & maps
  • 5 x “get out of trouble” cloth maps

What’s not included?

  • Travel to the start in Milan
  • Travel from Rome back home
  • Personal travel Insurance – make sure Cycle Touring is included in your policy particularly if you have an annual policy. Details of your policy required before travel. See Yellow Jersey as an example of cycling specific insurance.
  • Hotel, Dinner and Lunch in Milan pre start
  • Bike
  • Bike Box

Optional extras:

  • Single room

What are the opportunities for sponsorship? 

We have put together a number of packages but are also open to offers from anyone for anything. Join the following sponsors:

Cyclists pay for the costs of the shirts, banners etc so all the money given in sponsorship goes directly to 1moreChild. The more you sponsor the largest exposure your logo will get.

Some sponsors donate a larger amount that includes a place on the ride. Contact Rob Hamilton if you’d like more information on sponsorship.

What about individual sponsorship?

Please do create your own personal sponsorship page using Givestar or use the Group page to raise money by sending it to all your contacts. Alternatively you can donate direct to 1moreChild or make a donation from overseas through the 1mC website.


Which hotels are we staying in?

The nature of the Ride25 adventure means that the routes and accommodation is dictated to by the inventory of hotels along our journey. We aim to stay in the best hotel in town or 4* hotels in the larger cities however due to the lack of stock or availability there is sometimes some compromises.

Night 1 Piacenza

Split across 2 x 3* budget hotels on the outskirts of town – Euro Hotel  and Hotel Ouvest.

Night 2 Bologna

Split across 2 x 4* City Centre Hotels at the edge of the old town- Hotel Smy Bologna Centrale and Mercure Bologna Centro

Night 3 Figline Valdarno

Beautiful Tuscan 4* around a courtyard – Hotel Villa Casagrande & 3* overflow hotel Albergo Toscana

Night 4 Orvieto

Split across several 3*& 4* Hotels in the heart of the historic hill top town – Grande Hotel Italia, Hotel Virgilio, Hotel Corso, Valentino Hotel, Hotel DuomoCasavera Orvieto.

Night 5 Rome

4* Hotels in central Rome – Hotel Delle Nazioni and TBC

Due to the location of hotels on one or two nights you will need to be able to walk with your bag to your hotel so probably better to have a rucksack / bag with wheels!

What are we raising money for?

All participants or their companies will pay all their own costs and all money raised shall go straight to 1moreChild.

What is 1moreChild?

1moreChild was set-up by Harry & Hen Ferdinando in 2008 to help enable street children in Jinja, Uganda to go to school and prosper. Ride25 raises money for 1moreChild for the following key reasons:

  • A small amount of money goes along way – as little as £15 per month can transform a child’s life. 100% of all money donated to 1moreChild goes to tackle the problem.  There are no western overheads, admin costs or wastage. In addition Harry & Hen pay all their own costs. The money raised from the cycle will make an enormous difference to 1moreChild and enable them to take many more children out of the slum.
  • 1moreChild provide school fees, 3 meals a day, school uniforms, school supplies, shoes, clothes, medical care, tutoring, mentoring, a football club and various other activities.
  • For more information about 1moreChild:

Watch a short film made by Pioneers visiting 1moreChild in Uganda in 2017.


Watch the 1moreChild story.


What impact has the money raised  had?

The Pioneers / Founders cycle trips are the most significant fundraising initiative for the charity with over  70% of their overall funding coming from this trip.  We have raised  £1.7m+ for the charity across legs 1 to 11.

As a result of our trips 1moreChild has taken nearly 200+ children off the streets and given them everything they need to go to school.

There have been so many amazing success stories but stand out examples include a former street child now studying Medicine at Kampala University and two children now representing Uganda at cycling at the world championships – inspired and funded by the Pioneers.


How to book a place?

Book Cycling Holiday Now


What else do / don’t I need to do beforehand?

  • Bike Service – make sure you book a Bike Service before you travel – you may need to book this a few weeks in advance but will seriously reduce the chance of issues on the ride.
  • Bike Fit – if you haven’t it’s worth getting your bike fitted properly by a professional – it will help prevent injury.
  • Book a transfer from the airport to Milan
  • Buy & Pack an Apple Airtag /  Android Tracker for your Bike Box – very useful if there are issues with bike boxes.
  • Routes NOT suitable for Time Trial Bikes – Road or gravel bikes are most suitable.
  • Apply for and bring your UK GHI Card – it’s free but vital if you need care in Europe.

What else do I need to bring?

  • High Quality Bike lights
  • Hydration Tablets – such as Precision Fuel & Hydration – critical for multi day long distances  particularly if it’s hot.
  • 2 x large water bottles for hydration drinks and water
  • Hard wearing tyres
  • Helmet
  • HIGH quality cycle shorts such as Assos – worth the money – they will save your arse!
  • Large saddle bag with –  2 x spare inner tubes, puncture repair kit and tyre leavers
  • Cycle pump or gas canisters
  • Sun cream
  • Phone mount if you are using RidewithGPS as a navigation tool
  • Portable battery charger for mobile
  • Garmin (or similar GPS navigation device)

What happens after Leg 3?

In 2012 we plotted the following legs / badges – with only some minor changes to the badges so far.  Founders Leg 5 is Rome to Bari in September / October  2026 – 4 days cycling across 4 days ending on the coast in Puglia.



Sound Cycling Advice

Read one of our rider’s Tricia’s blog with advice for people doing their first long trip Part 1 and Part 2 – including a bit about why you should always ride commando!

How to change an inner tube

How to avoid saddle sores

How to cycle in a group