1moreChild helps 200+ children in a variety of ways. They currently rent six houses in Jinja, four boys’ homes and two for girls. These homes accommodate the children that don’t have families, and act as a ‚Äòyouth centre’ for those who live in the slum village of Masese. The children who still live with their families come to the house every day and it has become a place that they all call ‘home’.
Each home has a full-time house manager to oversee the house and to be a positive influence in the children’s lives. They also provide after-school tutoring, medical care and mentoring. There is also a house mother who oversees the cooking and cleaning.
They are also a place where they can invite other children still on the street. On Monday and Tuesday evenings and Sundays, the houses are open for any street children to come and have a meal.
On Saturdays they have a family lunch which all the 1moreChild boys and girls attend. Afterwards they have a football match or play various games at the houses.
They believe that children require the basic needs mentioned above in order to function well at school and that education is imperative for success in today’s world. However, in their opinion, mentoring is the key to being able to face the hardship, corruption and challenges in Ugandan life today. Their staff members spend hours each week investing into the lives of the children individually and in groups, teaching them values like honesty, respect, integrity and leadership skills. They believe, to do this effectively, the children need role models from their own tribe. As a result they have purposefully recruited successful Karamojong young men and women with a desire to work with vulnerable children from their own tribe.