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milan to rome

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Milan to Rome - Cycling Tours - Ride25

Milan to Rome


This is a particularly picturesque leg, with highlights including beautiful countryside, typical rolling Tuscan hills, vineyards, sunflowers, hilltop villages, cathedrals and historic buildings galore - not to mention the wonderful cities of Piacenza, Bologna, Orvieto and Rome. The first part of the trip is almost totally flat until we cross into the rolling hills of Tuscany on the morning of day 3 where we cover the two biggest climbs of the leg. From there we cycle through Umbria & Lazio into Bologna and finally pick up a cycle path that takes us almost entirely traffic-free into the centre of Rome. There is a total of 4 1/2 days' cycling, covering 390 miles.

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Av Miles Per Day


(£250 Deposit)

Next Date

September 24-29




Miles - 390
Av Miles Per Day - 86


(£250 Deposit)


To secure your place you are required to pay a £250 deposit. Please note the full cost of this tour is £1350.

If you would like to book for more than 10 people, or would just like to talk to one of our team, please call 0207 947 4118 .


Day 1 - Milan to Piacenza
Day 1 - Milan to Piacenza
After our 'Grand Depart' from Parc Sempione, we will brush around the outskirts of central Milan before picking up the canal southbound taking us 23 miles out of Milan to Pavia. We then cycle along the flat Po plain including crossing the vast River Po before reaching the historic city of Piacenza. Dinner in a private dining room at the beautiful Piazza Cavalli in the heart of the city. DAY 1 STATS: 61 miles, 1,230ft total ascent
Day 2 - Piacenza to Bologna
Day 2 - Piacenza to Bologna
After leaving Piacenza we cycle through the flat plains of Emilia-Romagna in the Po basin. The area is renowned for its agriculture, cheeses, hams…. & Ferraris! We cover a long distance but there are no significant hills with practically no climbing all day. We arrive in Bologna after enjoying the last flat countryside of the trip. DAY 2 STATS: 108 miles, 2115 ft total ascent
Day 3 - Bologna to Figline Valdarno
Day 3 - Bologna to Figline Valdarno
Soon after leaving Bologna we start to get a taste for the day ahead – crossing the border into the rolling hills of Tuscany! We complete the two largest climbs of the Leg in the morning with lunch at a hilltop restaurant at the top of the 2nd climb at the Passadel Giogo. In the evening we stay in Figline Valdarno with a dinner on a terrace overlooking this small historic town. DAY 3 STATS: 90.9 miles, 9,448 ft total ascent
DAY 4 - Figline Valdarno to Orvieto
DAY 4 - Figline Valdarno to Orvieto
More rolling Tuscan hills as we continue through Tuscany and move into Umbria. One climb in the morning with two in the afternoon but nothing too serious with a peak altitude all day of 1,752 ft. Stay the night in the outstandingly stunning & dramatic city of Orvieto. Arrive early to enjoy roaming the medieval streets and take in the views. DAY 4 STATS: 93 miles, 6,936 ft total ascent
Day 5 - Orvieto to Rome
Day 5 - Orvieto to Rome
Two climbs in the morning in the Umbrian countryside including the Lake Vico Nature reserve before having lunch and the opportunity for a cooling swim in Lake Vigo. After lunch we cycle around Lake Bracciano before crossing the plains to Labaro and picking up a great cycle path that takes us almost entirely traffic free for the last 10 miles into the centre of Rome and 400 metres from the finish at The Vatican. DAY 5 STATS: 96 miles, 7,675 ft total ascent

What's Included

  • Five nights’ accommodation in a clean, comfortable hotel (in Piacenza, Bologna, Figline Valdarno, Orvieto and Rome). All rooms will have twin beds and we will allocate you a room partner unless you specify who you would like to share with. (You may select a single supplement for an extra £250 in the booking process if you prefer not to share)
  • Coffee/tea and cakes at designated coffee stops
  • Three meals a day plus stops for snacks
  • Support vehicle to transport your luggage (clothes and supplies) from each stage to the next
  • Back-up vehicles to provide you with medical help and any assistance should you need a rest
  • A digital map in the format of a .gpx file for mobile navigation devices such as Garmin
  • Customised, waterproof route maps including essential directions, pitstops and interesting information on the area.
  • Two new, bespoke high quality breathable cycling shirts for use on your trip. These will be fully personalised for you and adorned with badges showing the number of Ride25 legs you have completed so far.
  • Daily fresh fruit and water in the support vehicles
  • Celebratory dinner on the final evening

What’s not included?

  • Flights and transfers
  • Accommodation the night before the tour commences
  • A Bike
  • A bike box (we can put you in touch with selected bike box hire partners)
  • Personal insurance - including cycling cover


To secure your place you are required to pay a £250 deposit. Please note the full cost of this tour is £1350.

If you would like to book for more than 10 people, or would just like to talk to one of our team, please call 0207 947 4118 .